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趣赢平台 offers data collection capabilities built to support some of the largest and most complex research studies. We have an existing network of field and professional staff with expertise in recruiting persons, 家庭, 教育机构, 企业和许多其他类型的组织参与研究. Our highly trained national workforce of data collectors is supported by a team of experts in operations, IT, 培训, 跟踪, 服务台支持, 翻译, 可访问性, 创意服务. These and other data collection capabilities can be leveraged for any size project or data collection mode.
趣赢平台的集成工具生态系统提供了一种经济高效的方法, 轻松部署, 并建立规范化的管理体系框架,支持现场数据采集. It is scalable to support research projects from just a few interviewers to thousands, 并且易于配置以满足特定的项目需求.
- Implement project-specific field staff models with appropriate controls to assign and transfer cases, 对不回应和语言问题做出回应
- 实时报告进度,包括地理位置
- 通过多个来源管理数据收集,包括移动、web和亲自
- 支持团队成员协调以获得参与者的合作
- Manage large-scale assessments such as those conducted at schools and nursing facilities
我们是招募符合特定要求的研究参与者的专家, 研究方案是否要求家庭, 学校等机构, 医院, 或者其他机构, 或特殊人群,如种族/民族多元化群体, 语言上孤立的群体, 儿童和青少年, 老年人, 收入群体, 稀有种群. 使用广泛的模式和推广方法, we leverage our extensive range of experience in probability-based studies to maximize cooperation, and our network of existing relationships to maximize our outreach efforts for targeted, 目的性或便利性研究. We make sure that every study’s recruitment process meets the highest standards of ethics and transparency.
不管是哪种模式, 或者模式的组合, 趣赢平台具有执行任何调查或研究设计的数据收集能力.
多模式调查可以提高人口覆盖率, 提高回应率, 降低成本, 节省时间, 并产生更高质量的数据. Our proprietary multimode 管理ment system (M3) allows for seamless integration of modes while controlling protocols, 包括样品流动和实验分配. M3 also holds all the survey data and paradata allowing for data harmonization and reporting across modes and conditions.
基于web的调查提供了更快的响应和完成时间, 并允许调查设计的高级复杂性和灵活性. 基于网络的 surveys guide respondents through complex skip patterns as well as impose checks on the logic and range of responses. 趣赢平台调查设计人员和编程人员采用健壮的开发方法, 用户界面, 并测试协议,以确保没有导航问题的受访者, 并且该仪器针对所有设备和平台进行了优化. 我们还确保我们的网络调查符合严格的可访问性准则.
面对面 data collection offers the highest response rates and the opportunity to collect more kinds of data, 比如生物标本, 环境样品, 以及观测数据. 趣赢平台’s unique capabilities include a staff of experienced field supervisors in key 位置s across the country, and thousands of data collectors with expertise in collecting data on sensitive topics and from a broad range of respondent populations.
趣赢平台是使用CAVI的先驱, 哪一种面试方式既省钱又方便. CAVI allows interviewers to read respondents’ facial expressions and other body cues, 衡量理解和分心, 建立融洽关系. 了解更多关于我们如何使用CAVI.
趣赢平台提供集中呼叫设施, 在全国范围内进行电话采访, working both in center and from their homes to provide virtually unlimited data collection capabilities. 我们先进的平台和工具优化了呼叫效率, 支持电话管理, 自动拨号, 调度, 交互式语音应答(IVR), 以及呼入电话.
趣赢平台’s integrated print/mail/收据 operations can execute address-based sampling (ABS) data collections, 推送到网页的信件邮寄, 提前通知邮件. 我们利用专业的基于表单的设计软件来打造专业, 可扫描的纸质调查,以确保易于响应和高质量的数据. 我们采用最佳实践来管理纸质调查管理, 包括收货控制, 扫描, 验证, 数据清理, 文件的准备, 以及所有加工和邮件操作的质量控制. 我们在激励管理方面拥有行业领先的能力, 形式发票, 扫描, 智能数据捕获, 采集后数据处理, 数据传送准备. 我们的集中解决方案节省成本,缩短工期,并确保质量.
趣赢平台处理环境和生物标本的协议进行了测试, 可靠的, 和安全的. 我们在处理标本的各个方面都力求100%的准确性, 包括温度监测, 交叉核对事先同意和试剂盒过期时间. Our Biological and Environmental Sample Tracking System (BEST) 管理s and tracks logistics around biological and environmental sample collection, 收据, 装运, 处理, 以及样本生命周期中实验室和研究人员之间的流动, 并与库存和实验室管理系统集成.
趣赢平台’s trusted relationships with thousands of experienced interviewers enables us to recruit and hire quickly at scale and by specialized skill to meet data collection needs in any U.S. 位置. We develop and deliver customized 培训 in both the general principles of interviewing and the specific requirements of a given study, 使用远程学习, 面对面, 或者两者兼而有之.
我们的追踪专家查找并验证研究受访者的联系信息, 符合研究方案. They work closely with the project’s Institutional Review Board representatives (IRB) [insert link] and study 管理rs to maintain security and confidentiality of all study information.
Project-specific help desks provide support for all modes of data collection through centralized call 管理ment systems. Help desk coordinators are Information Technology Infrastructure Library (ITIL) certified staff who work closely with projects on all stages of project planning, 设置, 和执行. 跟踪所有项目联系方式,并提供详细报告.
韦斯特的翻译团队帮助开发材料测量仪器, 高级信件和其他外联材料, 研究协议, 以及知情同意——用任何语言都可以, 并为视频和多媒体制作提供字幕和配音服务. 当需要双语数据收集人员时, 我们协调并进行任何主要语言的语言能力评估.
趣赢平台非常重视公平准入, and we understand that 可访问性 should be considered and planned for in all phases of a project lifecycle. 我们专门的无障碍专家团队, 许多经过国土安全部认证的受信任测试人员, 紧跟最新的设计标准和技术, 发展中, 测试数码产品. This team supports the creation of digital products that meet Section 508 of the Rehabilitation Act and Priority Levels A and AA of the World Wide Web Consortium’s (W3C’s) Web Content 可访问性 Guidelines (WCAG 2.1).
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韦斯特@ AAPOR 20242024年5月
趣赢平台的专家们兴奋地前往5月15日至17日的亚特兰大, 2024, for the American Association for Public Opinion Research (AAPOR) 79th Annual Conference. 我们自豪…
拥有40年的设计和管理经验, 复杂的调查, 趣赢平台’s 布拉德•爱德华兹 has decided to add another leadership position to his resume by becoming one…